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"Five Hundred and Eighty-Sixth Meeting. October 8, 1867. Monthly Meeting; Corrections to a Paper "On the Comparative Strength of Cannon of Modern Construction," Published in Vol. VII. of the Proceedings of the Academy" is an article from Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Volume 7.

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x-archive-meta-identifier: jstor-20179571 x-archive-meta-imagecount: 6 x-archive-meta-issn: 01999818 x-archive-meta-journalabbrv: procameracadarts x-archive-meta-journaltitle: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences x-archive-meta-language: eng x-archive-meta-mediatype: texts x-archive-meta-pagerange: 412-416 x-archive-meta-publisher: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences x-archive-meta-source: x-archive-meta-title: Five Hundred and Eighty-Sixth Meeting. October 8, 1867. Monthly Meeting; Corrections to a Paper "On the Comparative Strength of Cannon of Modern Construction," Published in Vol. VII. of the Proceedings of the Academy x-archive-meta-volume: 7 x-archive-meta01-collection: jstor_procameracadarts x-archive-meta01-external-identifier: urn:jstor-headid:10.2307/j50000063 x-archive-meta02-collection: jstor_ejc x-archive-meta02-external-identifier: urn:jstor-articleid:10.2307/20179571 x-archive-meta03-collection: additional_collections x-archive-meta03-external-identifier: urn:jstor-issueid:10.2307/i20179537 x-archive-meta04-external-identifier: urn:jstor-journalid:10.2307/j50000062 x-archive-queue-derive: 0